Sunday, March 18, 2007

Employing a Youth Worker/Minister

If you or your church are thinking of employing someone to work with young people, there are a few places I would visit for guidance and advice:

  1. Contact your Diocesan Youth Adviser
  2. AMAZE - the Association of Christian Youth and Children's Workers. Most diocesan office hold copies of their employment manual and best practice manuals.
The Diocese of Portsmouth have also produced a handy document that parishes and groups can use. It aims to cover all aspects of the employing, supporting and managing a worker. Here's a summary of the main points in this document:

1. Considerations in Employing a Youth Minister/Worker:
1.1. Why employ a worker?
1.2. Why do we want a worker?
1.3. What are our expectations of a worker?
1.4. Choosing an appointment team
1.5. Tasks for an appointment team
1.6. Recommendations for the appointment of a youth worker
1.7. Checklist – Main tasks of appointment team

2. The Contract:
2.1. The Law & Employment Contracts
2.2. A Sample Contract

3. Getting ready for the worker:
3.1. Rights & responsibilities of a Worker
3.2. Line management and support structures.
3.3. Induction Programme
3.3.1. Introduction
3.3.2. Why does a worker need an induction phase?
3.3.3. Potential pressure points for a new worker
3.3.4. Planning an induction programme
3.3.5. What does the worker need to be inducted to?
3.3.6. Planning a work schedule
3.3.7. Induction Programme Checklist

4. Other issues:
4.1. Non-managerial support
4.2. Appraisal
4.3. Handling conflict and disagreement
4.4. Training for workers/ministers
4.5. Training for managers
4.6. What about vocation and calling?
4.7. Support from the diocese
4.8. How this all relates to key volunteers
4.9. How workers can support themselves

You can download a pdf version of this document here. If you need any further assistance please contact your Diocesan Youth & Children's Work Adviser.

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