Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Emergency Youth Kit

I don't know about you, but I have myself in situations when a speaker hasn't turned up for an event, or a volunteer who was supposed to do the session this morning hasn't turned up and I haven't had a contingency plan! How about you? Found the same?

Last month I finally put together my Emergency Youth Session together. I bought a funky box from paperchase and put inside the following items:

1. a list of quick, easy and fun games
2. a youth talk/session and a copy of the Bible verse typed out
3. a worship idea
4. a DVD of Veggietales and a NOOMA
5. pens and some scrap paper

It sits in the boot of my car so it goes wherever I go, just in case!

What would you put in your emergency kit?


Ali Campbell said...

a pad of post-it notes; a "magic" bible; a piece of rope; p.a.t.h. talk (my stand by talk); the incredibles dvd . . .

Sarah Brush said...

I'm there with the pad of postits... so many uses for worship or reflection... plus... a candle and matches and I usually have a frisbee or a sponge football in the car too. I also currently have some sand in my boot but that was rather UNplanned as a result of poor packing away after an event!

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