Thursday, May 03, 2007

christian youth work: evangelism or social action?

Here's a great article from infed where Carole Pugh raises questions about evangelical approaches to youth work and argues for informal education practice.

It covers some of the history of youth work and looks at the churches role in it over the years. I am not sure about the conclusions in light of current government developments in bundling youth work into schools. However, i find it helpful in reminding me that we are developing young hearts and minds... which is a spiritual activity!

1 comment:

Revd. Neal Terry said...

Not sure it is a great article. Carol loses a great deal of the texture of much youth work secular or religiously affiliated by polarising the question. Her historical perspective is also skewed in examining only the motivations of evangelical practitioners in the founding of youth work provisions, rather than looking at what churches were doing at the time. It does make a conscious stab at awakening youth workers to the potential dichotomies that they can face in working in one ideology rather than the other but goes nowhere in suggesting that both approaches and something else are required.

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